8 online interactive training modules on America’s Coinage Throughout the Centuries.
The Early Americans
Late 17th to 18th Century
Topic 1: The Thirteen Colonies
Topic 2: Early American Coinage
Topic 3: Coinage of the 1700s’
Topic 4: Independence & Money
Topic 5: Transitional Coinage
The Young Republic
Late 18th to Mid-19th Century
Topic 1: The Mint Act of 1792
Topic 2: The First U.S. Coins
Topic 3: Early U.S. Silver & Gold Coins
Topic 4: Mint Decline & Recovery
Topic 5: New Coinage Designs
The Gold Rush
1848 – 1855
Topic 1: Gold Discovery & Gold Rush
Topic 2: New Federal Gold Coinage
Topic 3: California Private Mints
Topic 4: Utah & Oregon Private Mints
Topic 5: U.S. Mint at San Francisco
The Civil War
1861 – 1865
Topic 1: Southern Secession
Topic 2: Southern Mints
Topic 3: Confederate Coinage
Topic 4: Civil War Currency
Topic 5: Federal Coinage
The Gilded Age
1865 – 1914
Topic 1: Gilded Age Origins
Topic 2: Gilded Age Money
Topic 3: The Crime of 1873
Topic 4: Coinage Renaissance
Topic 5: Commemoratives & Tokens
The Twentieth Century
1914 – 1945
Topic 1: First World War
Topic 2: Roaring Twenties
Topic 3: Great Depression
Topic 4: Second World War
Topic 5: Mid-20th Century Recovery
The Modern Era
1946 - 1999
Topic 1: Post War Cold War
Topic 2: Coinage Stagnation
Topic 3: Creative Coinage
Topic 4: Coinage Renaissance
Topic 5: Modern Commemoratives
The New Millennium
2000 to Present
Topic 1: Y2K Problem
Topic 2: State Quarters Program
Topic 3: New Tools, New Rules
Topic 4: Modern Bullion Coinage
Topic 5: The Next Right Answer